Books are an escape...

Books are an escape from reality, they are a look into a different world, they are entertaining. I am going to list the books I read and give my honest opinion. Nothing too deep though, I read for enjoyment and for entertainment. To be honest, I actually like most of the books I read. So if nothing else, you'll find some new authors, or new books to check out!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Nothing to Report

I have not forgotten about this blog...I am just taking a little break. 
I have not been reading as much as I previously was, I have read several books but it has been several months since I have actually finished anything enough to blog about it.
I am on an assignment to NOT read anything that would fall into the romance genre, so I will be picking up some new books soon and going through my collection to see what I can read while on this assignment. 
Currently I am reading/working through a book called "The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work" by John M. Gottman.  It's very interesting, and challenging.  A little more time consuming than the books I am used to reading.
I am also reading "I'm Fine with God...It's Christians I Can't Stand" by Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz.  So far it's been pretty funny and a nice distraction. 
Hopefully my reading habits will pick back up soon and I'll have more to write!

Love ya!


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Latest Reads...What I'm thinking...

Christina Dodd - Darkness Chosen Series - 4 books
Scent of Darkness - (Book 1) 416 pages
Touch of Darkness - (Book 2) 400 pages
Into the Shadow - (Book 3) 400 pages
Into the Flame - (Book 4) 400 pages

I stuggled with the first few chapters of book one...I think it was my mood quite frankly, but I didn't give up.  Once I actually got into the meat of the story I got sucked in and I had to read all the books back to back.  Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm a bit  funny about having to read things in order, but on this series it's a must.  It's a much more powerful story that way.  Another series down... onto the next!

Keri Arthur - Riley Jensen, Guardian Series - 9 books
Full Moon Rising - (Book 1) 416 pages
Kissing Sin - (Book 2) 400 pages

I have finished the first book and have started the far I really like the characters and the story line.  I don't know that I'll read all nine in a row, but we'll see.  If I do then I'm definitely taking a Paranormal Romance break after...I've been reading a lot lately and I think I need to mix it up a bit.

Oh and I forgot...I slipped another read in between those series...

Kresley Cole - Immortals After Dark Series -8 books
Demon from the Dark - (Book 8) 448 pages

I love everything I've read by Kresley Cole so far.  I've read the rest of the books in this series as well and they were very good.  From what I can tell there is still going to be more books in this series...there's so many characters and so many type of immortals that she really could go on forever!  The tricky thing with some of the paranormal romance authors is that they sometimes publish shorter works in an anthology and they still fit in the they're easy to miss!  But if you catch them...then you might also find another author to try!

I am also a little funny about keeping track of what I've read...those of you who've seen my spreadsheet could attest to.  I have an Excel spreadsheet where I track my books (both read and unread) by author, series, genre and's also color coded so I can see at a glance what books I'm looking for and what I've already read or own so that I don't buy multiple copies of the same book.  A little obsessive...maybe...but it's so great when you share books with friends and read as much as I do to keep track of certain things.  It's a little work, but totally worth it!  :)  Especially when I tend to read series books...I absolutely HATE reading series books out of order...

So that's what I've been reading... :)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Struggling with Technology

To Kindle or Not to Kindle...That is the question.  I absolutely LOVE to read! I love the escape, the adventure, the emotions that books provide.  I have had the opportunity to borrow someone's Kindle to try out.  I love the portability, the fact that I really can take it anywhere...but I think I actually miss paper.  There's just something great and wonderful about holding a book in your's the texture, the smell, the sound of the pages turning that just draws me in.  I miss bookstores...I miss books.  Call me crazy, but I am a visual person and I love to watch the stack of books that I have finished reading grow.  It gives me a sense of accomplishment, there's something tangible about it. 
But, I also love the Kindle...until I am really into it and my battery starts dying and I'm not ready to to plug it in and put it down for awhile.  I do love the thought of being more "green" and using the Kindle thus saving a tree or two yet still keeping my crazy reading habits intact.  I also love the fact that I can read in bed without needing a light so that I can read as late as I want and not disturb the hubby.
So for now...I think I'm going to have to rotate between Kindle and "real" books.  I'm just too torn between the two to decide! 

Saturday, August 21, 2010

My Absolute FAVORITE Author

If nothing else I want to help get the word out about my favorite author Korin Bridges.  If you haven't read anything by her yet, go check her out at  She has written four book so far, they are amazing!  She is a self-published author so she is relying on word of mouth to get her books read!  Let's help her out!!  Here's the info and reading order of her books:

Sisterhood of Secrets
The Awakening
The Confrontation
The Transformation

Brotherhood of the Wolf

Check them will not be disappointed!!!!