Books are an escape...

Books are an escape from reality, they are a look into a different world, they are entertaining. I am going to list the books I read and give my honest opinion. Nothing too deep though, I read for enjoyment and for entertainment. To be honest, I actually like most of the books I read. So if nothing else, you'll find some new authors, or new books to check out!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Struggling with Technology

To Kindle or Not to Kindle...That is the question.  I absolutely LOVE to read! I love the escape, the adventure, the emotions that books provide.  I have had the opportunity to borrow someone's Kindle to try out.  I love the portability, the fact that I really can take it anywhere...but I think I actually miss paper.  There's just something great and wonderful about holding a book in your's the texture, the smell, the sound of the pages turning that just draws me in.  I miss bookstores...I miss books.  Call me crazy, but I am a visual person and I love to watch the stack of books that I have finished reading grow.  It gives me a sense of accomplishment, there's something tangible about it. 
But, I also love the Kindle...until I am really into it and my battery starts dying and I'm not ready to to plug it in and put it down for awhile.  I do love the thought of being more "green" and using the Kindle thus saving a tree or two yet still keeping my crazy reading habits intact.  I also love the fact that I can read in bed without needing a light so that I can read as late as I want and not disturb the hubby.
So for now...I think I'm going to have to rotate between Kindle and "real" books.  I'm just too torn between the two to decide! 

Saturday, August 21, 2010

My Absolute FAVORITE Author

If nothing else I want to help get the word out about my favorite author Korin Bridges.  If you haven't read anything by her yet, go check her out at  She has written four book so far, they are amazing!  She is a self-published author so she is relying on word of mouth to get her books read!  Let's help her out!!  Here's the info and reading order of her books:

Sisterhood of Secrets
The Awakening
The Confrontation
The Transformation

Brotherhood of the Wolf

Check them will not be disappointed!!!!